A French ‘Bergère Crapaud’ Armchair

  • Stock ID: 14638
  • Reference No: PD164

A19th century French Napoleon III period ‘Crapaud’ tub armchair, the seat and back fully upholstered and edged by cross-banded, carved solid walnut mouldings running along the rounded backs and the elegantly splayed arm-rests. Retaining its original velvet brocade fabric and the large and intricale braided 'skirt', which covers the carved Cabriole legs fitted with caster wheels. Area of Paris, circa 1870.

Condition report: In good and original, unrestored condition. Please enquire regarding options for restorations and/or reupholstery work.
Dimensions: Width 67 cm, depth 70cm, height of back rest 80 cm, height of seat 40 cm.
Status: Available

  • Price: AU$980.00


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